After six consecutive months of our service you have been diligent and stayed in contact with us about your progress, you can request an evaluation/audit of your account.
We will add up the complete value of all successfully deleted/corrected items and compare that amount to what you have paid. If what you have paid is more than the value of the deleted/corrected items, we will refund you the difference. To determine the total value of our service we count the number of items we successfully deleted/corrected and multiply that by $100.00 per item.
We use the amount of $100.00 per deleted/corrected item as the fair market value for our service. We will not charge you $100.00 per item in addition to your monthly payments; we only use this to show you the value of our service.
Example 1
Example 2
The first example shows results which are way lower than our average client's, but it is a good example of how the warranty actually works.
Note: If you have very few negative items when you begin our service, so few that if all the items were deleted the value would still not equal the warranty value. We will then assign your negative items a new value equal to your total fees paid divided by the total number of negative items.
This warranty is designed to reassure you that our goal is truly to remove negative/disputed accounts form your credit reports and that if we can't, we will gladly refund your money. It's as simple at that!